ඒක පුද්ගල ආදායම වැඩි වුණා කියා ආඩම්බර විය හැකිද?

(2010 පෙබරවාරි 23-W3Lanka)  2008 වන විට ඩොලර් 2200ක් වී තිබුණු ලංකාවේ ඒක පුද්ගල දළ ජාතික ආදායම 2009 වන විට ඩොලර් 2300ක් දක්වා ඉහළ ගොස් ඇති බව රජය පවසයි.

ඒ අනුව ගත් කල ලංකාවේ බාල මහළු සෑම පුරවැසියකුගේ ම වාර්ෂික ආදායම රු. 240,000ක් පමණ විය යුතුය. එනම්, මාසික ආදායම රු. 20,000ක් පමණ විය යුතුය.

පස්දෙනෙකු ජීවත් වන පවුලක මාසික ආදායම රු. ලක්ෂයක්වත් විය යුතුය.

එසේ සිදු වන්නේ විෂමතාවකින් සම්පූර්ණයෙන් තොරව ආදායම් සර්ව සාධාරණ ලෙසින් බෙදී යන්නේ නම් පමණි.

ඒක පුද්ගල දළ ජාතික ආදායම වැඩි වීම පමණක් නොව ආදායම් විෂමතාව අවම වීම ද සංවර්ධනයේ ලක්ෂණයකි. නොඑසේ නම් සිදු වන්නේ ඉහළ යන ජාතික ආදායම ධනවතුන් සීමිත පිරිසක් විසින් සූරාකෑම නිසා ඔවුන් ධනවත් වද්දී සමාජයේ බහුතර පිරිසක් වැඩි වැඩියෙන් දුප්පත් වීමයි.

කිසිදු ආදායමක් ඉපැයිය නො හැකිය යන පදනමින් ලබා දෙන සමාජ ආරක්ෂණ දීමනාව හෙවත් සාමාන්‍ය ව්‍යවහාරයේ පවතින අන්දමට නම් පිං පඩි ලබන 350,000ක් දෙනා රට පුරා විසිරී සිටින බව සමාජ ආරක්ෂණ හා සමාජ සුබසාධන අමාත්‍යංශ දත්ත පෙන්වා දෙයි.

මෙම පිරිස දිවයින පුරා විසිර සිටිති. ඔවුන්ගේ මාසික දීමනාව රු. 1000 දක්වා වැඩි කිරීමට රජය අයවැයෙන් යෝජනා කරන බව ඇමති ලයනල් ප්‍රේමසිරි පවසයි. දිනකට රු. 30ක පමණ ආදායමක් උපයන මොවුන් ජීවත් වන්නේ දරිද්‍රතා රේඛාවෙන් බොහෝ පහත ජීවන මට්ටමකයි.

2008දී 1,672,159ක් හෙවත් ලක්ෂ දාසය හමාරකට වැඩි සමෘද්ධිලාභීන් පිරිසක් ලංකාවේ සිටි බව රාජ්‍ය ආදායම් හා මුදල් අමාත්‍ය රංජිත් සියඹලාපිටිය මහතා 2009 මැයි 05දා පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේදී පැවසීය. 2006/2007 වර්ෂවල ආදායම රු.6283/-ට වඩා අඩු පවුල් සංඛ්‍යාව 452,000ක් වූ බව ද සියඹලාපිටිය මහතා පැවසීය


  1. Bullshit. The Sri Lankan people are so much better off than what they were 10, 20 or 30 years ago. Almost everyone has a vehicle or at the very least a motorbike. People have big houses, big screen TVs, and no one has to go without food.

    Stupid Marxist fucks and your dream worlds. That's why you can't even get a couple of thousand votes from the whole country.

  2. I think this Bardo is a governmnet employee, may be of high ranking, ( or he is getting his income from public funds.) It explains his apathy, attitude, extremism, and use of foul language.

    Yes, people have big houses, have jaguars/BMWs, goes to work in comfort, after watching movies on big screen TVs and having corn flakes with cereal.

  3. The statistics regarding poverty mentioned here are not fabrications of Stupid Marxists. They are facts provided by the government. If you think they are fabrications, tell the government.

    Bardo is blind to reality.

  4. The people living below the poverty line in Sri Lanka is minuscule compared to the numbers in say, India or Bangladesh. We are by far the richest and the most developed country in South Asia.

    Our quality of life is immensely better than that of other ordinary South Asians. As far as human development is concerned, we're closer to a developed country than a developing one.

    Of course there may be a few poor people, but their poverty is due to their own faults. If they don't work hard and try to better themselves, it's a reflection of their laziness, not our apathy.

    Does anyone honestly believe that there is anyone in this country who lives on 30 rupees a day? Of course not. You've just divided the Rs 1000 payment by 30 to come up with this figure. Most recipients of this social security payment are supported by their family members in addition to this payment.

    As for families that supposedly earn 6283 rupees per year, it's likely that they merely claim so in order to be eligible for government and NGO handouts. No family can survive on 500 rupees per month, (I'm from an ordinary middle-class family and I used to get 500 as a daily allowance when I was in high school) and only Marxist idiots would believe such crap. People in this country are not suffering. They will not vote for their stomachs any more because they are all full and even overweight. Is there a single visitor to this website who doesn't earn more than 20000 per month?

    Look around yourselves. People who may not have had a vehicle 10 or 20 years ago now have one. Those who may have lived in clay shacks roofed with coconut leaves now have proper concrete or brick houses.

    What we need now is stability to lock in this prosperity, not your stupid Marxist class war-fare and protests.

  5. this Bardo Flanks is a day dreamer. if u jst go around maradana or slave island u cn find hundreds of people who r starving without any food. and the above stats are true cz there was a family whose monthly income was less than 3 million before 2005. but now they are having more than 3000 million monthly income. so its abvious tht those fact to be true !

  6. Sweet Dreams Bardo Flanks!
    You are more suited to be a government politician. I remember even the President has recently claimed that he gets thousands of complaints from powerty striken people.
    Have you ever lived in a developed country?
    There is a beautiful picture on the home screen of this web site, that is a frog in a well, ideal for people like you.

  7. So you're saying that the world bank statistics on GDP per capita are false. The human development index too was falsified by the government I presume. How about the gender equality and environmental performance indices? Those too?

    Take a walk around. I can see that a tremendous level of development has taken place in Sri Lanka from 1977 to 2010. You must be blind to see how far we've come. We're now categorised as a middle-income country. We've achieved all this despite the war. It certainly isn't perfect, but I'm sure that things will get much better in the next 10 years.

    I've had my secondary and tertiary education abroad. You should go to Burkina Faso or Bangladesh to see how under-developed countries are.

    @Mal Mama
    The shanty-towns in Slave Island or Maradana represents only a small section of the Sri Lankan populace. Do you live there too? They are strong UNP constituencies after all.

  8. Bardo poses good arguements, though not valid. Per capita GDP is simple arithmatics ( GDP/population). it does not mean all people could be measured the same. One reason we have higher per capita GDP is our million dollar borrowings in recent past. CBSL do not tell these things. Sri lanka will be penalised for having achieved middle income level, ( even though its not a real achivement).

  9. Bardo is seeing the world through dark glass,(might be Blue) he couldn't properly see the dark places in the society. you see only people in in your class or you may no need to see other people because your masters are throw few bones to lick and labour for their propaganda.


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මාතෘකාවට අදාළ නැති හා වෛරී අදහස් ඉවත් කිරීමට ඉඩ ඇති බව කරුණාවෙන් සලකන්න.

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