මහින්දලා තීරණාත්මකව පරදන්න වීදියට එන්න

ශ්‍රීලනිපයේ සභාපති ධුරයට පත් ජනාධිපති මෛත්‍රීපාල සිරිසේනට පක්ෂය තුළ මහින්ද ක්‍රමය හා මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ නම් පුද්ගලයා පරදවන්නට බැරි වී ඇති බව පෙනේ. 

තවමත් තත්වය පැහැදිලි නැත. මහින්ද කුරුණෑගලින් සන්ධානයෙන් තරගයට එන බව කියයි. ඒ ලොකු මනාප සංඛ්‍යාවක් ගන්නට බලාගෙන විය යුතු ය. ‍

මහින්ද ඔහු සමග මැතිවරණයට ඉදිරිපත් වන ඔහුගේ චෞර නඩයත් සමග ම පැරදවිය යුතු ය. 

පුරවැසියන් ලෙස අප එය අප අතට ගත යුතුව තිබේ. 

ඒ වෙනුවෙන් හෙට වීදියට එන්න.

මේ ලිපිය වෙන අයත් එක්කත් බෙදා ගන්න. උපුටා ගන්නවා නම් ‍මෙතැනින් ගත් බව කියන්න

ඔබගේ අදහස් අපි මහත් සේ අගයමු. නිර්නාමිකව හෝ අදහස් පළ කිරීමට අවස්ථාව ලබා දී තිබෙන්නේ එම නිසා ය. එහෙත්, එය අපහරණය නො කිරීම ඔබ‍ගේ වගකීමකි. අසභ්‍ය යයි සාමාන්‍ය ව්‍යවහාරයේ පිළි ගැනෙන වචන සම්බන්ධයෙන් සදාචාරවාදී නො වන මුත්, අනුන්ට අපහාස කිරීම සඳහා එවැනි වදන් භාවිතා කර තිබෙන අවස්ථාවලදී ඒවා ඉවත් කිරීමට සිදු වන බව කරුණාවෙන් සලකන්න. එසේම, නීතිමය ගැටලු මතු කරන අදහස් පළ කිරීම් ද ඉවත් කරනු ලැබේ. අදහස් පළ කිරීම සම්බන්ධ කාරණාවලදී සංස්කාරක වගකීම් සමග සහයෝගයෙන් කටයුතු කිරීම බලාපොරොත්තු වෙමු.


  1. සේනක ඉඳුවරJuly 9, 2015 at 9:13 AM

    මෛත්‍රී කාලකණ්නි පොන්නයා , යුක්ති ගරුක ලක්ස හැට දෙකක ජනතාව පාවා දුන්නා කියලා ලියන්න බයද?????

    1. මරා ඔයාට කීයක් ගෙවනවද මෙහෙම කෙඳිරිගානවට?

  2. MR should be defeated ...seriously. Grass eating peple for e.g. ano 1003 am above should be woken up.

  3. MY3 is a honest man but not a doer or leader. He has been enjoying perks and privileges of the office to 21 year from 1994. He has not done anything useful or constructive. He was a member of UPFA team who helped 18th Amendment behalf of MARA family. He recruited many UPFAers to jobs. He is not used to good governance. He is a fool who even has not a idea of it.

    He is very lucky to lead the team in January 8 elections. He is like Malvolio (Shakespeare's famous joker). Greatness has forced upon this fool. He believes that he is great. He is not truly great. He is a coward who fear MARA.

    MARA is a great but selfish and cruel leader. He has a one track mind looking for his family, accolytes...etc. He is not sympathatic to masses but for goons.

    MY3 is a honest but a lazy fool.

    This time we should vote only for educated honest people. It will improve the situation much more. We must not care for parties

  4. උබට එක අපි මුලින්ම කිවේ මහින්ද අදින්නේ නම් නැහැ, අන්දන්න යන උබල තමයි ඇදගන්නේ කියලා. අනිවා මහින්දය දිනලා උබලව ධර්ම චක්කරේ අන්රිනවා කියල මතක තියා ගනින්!! මෙටික නවත්තගන්න බැරි වුනා වගේම මයිත්‍රී ට ඉතුරු ටිකත් නවත්ත ගන්න බැහැ!! මේ පාර නම් අපි මහින්දට විරුද්ද වෙන්න යන්නේ නැහැ...වෙන මොකුත් නිසා නෙවෙයි බය නිසා!!! මිනිස්සු බැදල දාපු බල්ලව ලිහා ගත්ත නම් ඉතින් අපි තවත් වෙන මොනවා කොරන්නද ?

    1. Hmmm...it's better. Mahinda never wavers. He is an excellent fighter. I have a respect for him in this. I have supported a 'Ponnaya'.

    2. //He is an excellent fighter.// Is that why his legs were shaking when FCID asked him to come ? He is not a fighter. He is just a scaring old dirty dog!!! People chained the dog on 8th and stupid MY3 and Ranil released the dog!!!

    3. I agree with you. They have released the dog. However, the dog is shrewder than naive fool MY3. The dog's scope is bigger than foolish MY3's frog in the well type of thinking. MY3 is not a man to think behalf of a nation. The 6.2 million voters expected more from him. He is an innocent fool.

  5. Why are you not against Horanadaya of Ranil, Ravi and Mahendran etc? Mahinda made SL a country with backbone! Kelatholla Mangala is licking western boots! You are not happy that Mahinda defeated Prabhakaran! My criterion for a good leader for a country is this: if the leader is hated by the West, then he is a good leader for the country. If the West cajoles him( like Ranil)he is very bad for the entire country. Americans and UK have butchered more than 14,00000 civilians in Iraq itself, only in Iraq but they come to attack Mahinda for HR breach! What a farce! Almost all the NGO s including Puravesi balata are being funded by USA! Is it for democracy? So called Trotskists and Marxist are fighting against real anti inperialist Mahinda! This is the paradox of today. Cuban communist party is funded by CIA in order to attack Castro! Liberal Marxists applauded while NATO was destroying Libya! Even JVP was for NATO!

    1. සුරාජ් දෙහිවත්තJuly 10, 2015 at 12:01 PM

      Do you have documented proof that CIA support the said civil society organizations ? if so please publish
      otherwise this is pure poppycock

  6. මිනිස්සුන්ට දැන් තීරනයක් ගන්න ලේසියි.මහ හොරත් එක්ක හොරු සේරම එකට එකතු වෙලා ඉන්නෙ.උන්ව දේසපාලනයෙන් අතුගාල දාන්න පුලුවන්.

  7. හොර නඩය අතුගා දමන්න කාලය ඇවිත්.දවල් මිගෙල් රෑ දනියෙලුත් එක්කම.

  8. If MR becomes an MP (he will), he will be elected as the leader of the SLFP & UPFA Parliamentarians, Then, it is a matter of the SLFP Central Committee deciding to appoint him as the President of S.L.F.P. MS can not challenge it, as he was not elected as President of S.L., as a candidate of S.L.F.P. / UPFA. Then, MR will be the leader of UPFA, by defualt. If the UPFA gets the second highest no. of Seats, he will be the Leader of the Opposition, too.(which may be unlikely if JVP & TULF joins together & put forward their candidate). Even if MR does not be the Leader of the Opposition, he will be the Leader of UPFA.

    If MS holds on to the post of President of SLFP / UPFA, he will be thrown - out of SLFP, with humiliation. SLFPERS too will rejoice saying, this is the sweet revenge for betraying their Party at the Presidential Election.

    People who voted for MS will say that, it is dittadamma vedaneeya karma for MS, for destroying the only hope the people, specially the Youth of the Nation, created by themselves, with many sacrifices.

    MS forgot that, what is popular is not always right & to stand for what is right at any cost, which people did. He failed to think as the President of the Country, for which he should never be excused.

    If MR used his absolute power for worst, people would have never gone against a man who used some of those absolute power for good of the Nation.

    If he is a matured politician & a leader, with some brains & back born to stand against MR & his Mafia, as soon as he was appointed as the President of SLFP, he should have asked the officials & Members of the Central Committee to resign. Then, he should have appointed Members who are favorable to him, specially for the Post Of Secretary. Then, dissolve the UPFA & form a new UPFA with a Secretary favorable to him. This would have given him the control of SLFP & UPFA. What a weak man to be the President of a Country.

    How can this MS eradicate Drugs, which is an international Mafia, with such weakness, when MS could not even face the MR & Mafia, with the right strategy. It is just a propaganda to cover-up his defeat in the hands of MR & Mafia.

    The result will be creating RW Mafia & MS will be just a spectator.

    We, the poor & average People of S.L., will be the sufferers for ever. The youth of this Country will never believe that, the Ballet could bring them change.

    What a betrayal !!!!!!!


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මාතෘකාවට අදාළ නැති හා වෛරී අදහස් ඉවත් කිරීමට ඉඩ ඇති බව කරුණාවෙන් සලකන්න.

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