Is BBC promoting anti-schooling in Sri Lanka?

In the Sinhala language article linked under the first paragraph here, BBC promotes wrong, unethical and illegal perception on education. The report does not appear to have any other aim rather than promoting the opinion that school education is not essential for children and they can be taught at home.

Read: නිවසේදී පමණක් අකුරු කළ ලාංකීය සිත්තරිය

Female British painter Yashodhara Pathanjali's parents who are apparently Sri Lankan origin have not sent her to school for education and she says her mother taught her at home. She vows to do the same to her daughters also.

Sri Lanka's law makes education of the children under 14 year of age compulsory and the parents who do not oblige are penalized.

Our studies showed that law in UK under Education Act 1996 does not make school education compulsory. (Visit this page and study)

However, Sri Lanka is a country where the ignorance and poverty of parents still affect the education of the children. Girl children are often affected more than the boys. The country worked hard to achieve the Millennium Development Goals of UN to fulfill the aim of guaranteeing primary education for all children. But still the dropouts are high in the compulsory education age of the children.

Knowledge is only one part of the three major pillars of education. Skills and attitudes are the other two. School is a very important part of socialization in the child's life.

No educationist recommends this home education method for primary children in the modern times.

It is not ethical from the part of BBC to promote this kind of backward ideas in fragile states like Sri Lanka.

මේ ලිපිය වෙන අයත් එක්කත් බෙදා ගන්න. උපුටා ගන්නවා නම් ‍මෙතැනින් ගත් බව කියන්න

ඔබගේ අදහස් අපි මහත් සේ අගයමු. නිර්නාමිකව හෝ අදහස් පළ කිරීමට අවස්ථාව ලබා දී තිබෙන්නේ එම නිසා ය. එහෙත්, එය අපහරණය නො කිරීම ඔබ‍ගේ වගකීමකි. අසභ්‍ය යයි සාමාන්‍ය ව්‍යවහාරයේ පිළි ගැනෙන වචන සම්බන්ධයෙන් සදාචාරවාදී නො වන මුත්, අනුන්ට අපහාස කිරීම සඳහා එවැනි වදන් භාවිතා කර තිබෙන අවස්ථාවලදී ඒවා ඉවත් කිරීමට සිදු වන බව කරුණාවෙන් සලකන්න. එසේම, නීතිමය ගැටලු මතු කරන අදහස් පළ කිරීම් ද ඉවත් කරනු ලැබේ. අදහස් පළ කිරීම සම්බන්ධ කාරණාවලදී සංස්කාරක වගකීම් සමග සහයෝගයෙන් කටයුතු කිරීම බලාපොරොත්තු වෙමු.


  1. The BBC isn't promoting anything, nor is there any hint of a suggestion that children in Sri Lanka shouldn't go to school.... This is only a report about this woman who never attended school. The BBC may have decided to report it because this case is something unusual. I think you need to read the article again.

    1. Child marriage is also unusual. Does BBC report the experience of a man who raped the underage girl because it is an unusual story. No. Media must not promote negative attitudes by way of reporting. They must choose the content of the story carefully to avoid such problems.

      Pakistan is a country where the education of girl children is a big issue. What can happen if BBC Urdu Service propagate this kind of story there.

      BBC did very important work in terms of the incident of a child was rejected a school in Kuliyapitiya because he was suspected of HIV positive. Did BBC report it and follow it up only because it was unusual? No. They did it because there was human interest. BBC appeared for progressive attitudes in that case.

      BBC is doing the opposite here.

    2. I don't believe that you can't practice this in Sri lanka.

    3. ජලා හුටා..... පැරාට BBC එකත් එක්ක මාර ඇරියස් එකක් තියෙනවා වගේ???
      මොකෝ ලොක්කා, රස්සාවකට දාපු ඇප්ලිකේෂන් එකක් රිජෙක්ට් වුණා වත්ද?

    4. කොකාට වාරයක් ආවොත් තිත්තයටත් වාරයක් එනවා!

  2. The schooling and social situation is different in SL and UK. Home schooling (not anti-schooling) is gaining traction for variety of reasons. While this method may not be suitable in Sri Lanka, same cannot be said for other states. Then again, with Sri Lanka's crisis in schooling system, home-schooling (or privately organized community schooling) might very well be a viable solution.

    // No educationist recommends this home education method for primary children in the modern times.//
    not true

    // School is a very important part of socialization in the child's life.//
    again not true, and the opposite seems to be true empirically.

    1. What are the researches done by the educationists to show that homeschooling by mothers is better than school education conducted by skilled teachers?

      Again, what are the researches to prove that homeschooling is better in terms of socialization?

      One may say living in jungle is better for mankind empirically. But no one will do it because we have other experiences in the modern life.

      Privately organized community schooling is more institutionalized and entirely different from homeschooling.

      Homeschooling is never a viable solution for Sri Lanka's school crisis. You must first understand the crisis in Sri Lankan schooling system.

    2. It's not about what is best. It's about the choices people have. No doubt school based education is far superior to home based education. But home based education could work well for some students under special circumstances.

  3. School population in UK is about 9.5 million. Only 37000 children are home educated which is about 0.34% despite BBC promotion for home education in UK itself.So the impact is minimal even in a developed country. You don't have to be a teacher but need to be an educated and somewhat knowledgeable person for this responsible job. Educated parents choose to work somewhere rather than teaching at home for their own children. Poverty is a bigger challenge against schooling in Sri Lanka though BBC has nothing to do with that.

  4. අහල තියනවා බටහිර රටවල පැලපදියංවෙලා ඉදං හම්බකරන නමුත් තමුන් ඉන්න රටේ සංස්කෘතිය දිරව ගන්න බැරි මුස්ලිම් ජාතිකයෝ ළමයි ගෙදර තියාන උගන්නලා තමුන්නේ කොපියක් බිහිකරන්න හදනවා කියලා. bbc එකට එක ප්‍රශ්නයක් අහන්න අමතක වෙලානේ, ඇයි මේ ළමයි දෙන්නව ඉස්කොලෙකට නොයැව්වේ කියල :)

    1. ඒ උන්දැල උන්ගෙ දරුවන්ට කරන දේ ඔහේට ඇණයක්ද? තමුන්ගෙ ඇහෙ තියෙන පොල් පරාලෙ බලාගන්නව උන්නැහෙ.
      හම්බ රටවල ඉඳල හම්බුකරන, ඒත් ලංකාවෙ හම්බ කඩේකින් බඩු ගන්නෙ නැහැයි කියන අපථයො ගැන මොකද කියන්නෙ?
      ඔහෙට තමුන්ගෙ කොපියක් හදන්න බැරුව හොරෙන්, රහසින් අනුන්ගෙ උදවු ගත්තට ඒ උන්දැල මොනව කොරන්නද?

    2. චැක්, ඩීසන්ට් ටෝනිටත් සදාචාරෙත් අමතක වෙන විදිහට කේන්තියනව නෙව, ඒ ඇයි කියල අහන්නදො ...

      ඔයාට කේන්ති ගියාට ප්‍රංශේ නම් ඔය ගැන නීති පනවන්න යන බව නිව්ස් වල තිබ්බා.

  5. පැරා කරන්නේ අනවශ්‍ය බීට් අප් එකකි. ඒ දෙමව්පියන් නීති විරෝධී දෙයක් කර නැත. නිවසේ සිට ළමුන්ට ඉගැන්වීම කිරීමට ඉඩ ඇති රටවල ඒ සඳහා අධීක්ෂණ ක්‍රම සකසා ඇත.

    ලංකාවේ නීතියට අනුව දරුවන් පාසල් යැවීම අනිවාර්ය වේ.


  6. Its idiotic to compare a child rapist with home based education. I promote school education but home based education is common in some western countries due to many reasons.

  7. මේක අමුතු දෙයක් නෙමෙයි.ඕස්ට්‍රේලියාව මේ ක්‍රමය School on the Air බොහෝ කාලයක සිට කරනවා.

    1. ....අවුරුදු 25 කට අධික කාලයක් ඔස්ට්‍රේලියාවේ දිවි ගෙවන අපේ චූටි මාමාගෙන් (ඒ කිව්වෙ අම්මෙග බාලම මල්ලි ) එයත් ඕකම කිව්වා එත් ඉතින් අම්මා කිව්වා ළමයින්ව ගැමර් ඉස්කෝලෙකට යවන්න කියලා

  8. Home education has been accepted in the USA too. But children miss the opportunity to become socialized . They never get the chance to improve their social skills . Less the social skills less the ability cope with challenges. The ability to interact is something very important . The knowledge , the experience and the skills developed , together make a capable and strong individual who can handle any situation.
    In my opinion the school education is more suitable .
    I believe this is just one more story on BBC. This isolated case would not affect Sri Lankan society. I do not believe the daughter on the image is a highly successful woman. There are Sri Lankan hypocrites living in Scandinavian countries too.

  9. Home education has been widely accepted in the USA too. But children miss the opportunity to socialize. They never get the chance to improve their social skills . The less the social skills you have developed the less the ability to cope with challenges would be. The ability to interact is something very important. The knowledge , the experience and the skills developed , together make a capable and strong individual who can handle any situation.
    In my opinion school education is more suitable. I believe this is one more story on BBC. This isolated case would not affect the Sri Lankan society. I do not believe the daughter on the image is a very successful woman. There are Sri Lankan hypocrites living in the Scandinavian countries too.


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මාතෘකාවට අදාළ නැති හා වෛරී අදහස් ඉවත් කිරීමට ඉඩ ඇති බව කරුණාවෙන් සලකන්න.

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