Why military style leadership training for university students of Sri Lanka?

(May 19, 2011,  Lanka PolitySri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa will inaugurate the so called 'leadership and positive attitude training course' of the new intake of university students on May 23.

The Ministry of Higher Education has made this course compulsory for the students. One who fails to follow this course without valid reason cannot enter into a university to follow a formal course. This condition appears to be a violation of human rights and definitely it will be raised in the courts, if enacted as per what is meant by the calling letter for this course.

The ceremonial inauguration will be held with the participation of the 10,000 students that are to be taken in for the training as the first group of the batch. All 20,000 students of the 2011 batch are to be trained under the programme.

They will be provided training at 28 training centers under the Defense Ministry. The duration of the training course is three weeks.

Read more in Lanka Polity


  1. see my blog entry on this very issue www.kalpanakaranna.blogspot.com


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